Sean McCann teaches late-nineteenth and twentieth century American literature and its relation to contemporaneous political developments at Wesleyan University. He is the author of A Pinnacle of Feeling: American Literature and Presidential Government (2008) and Gumshoe America: Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and the Rise and Fall of New Deal Liberalism (2000), which received honorable mention for the America Studies Association’s John Hope Franklin Prize for the best book in American Studies. His essays have appeared in American Quarterly, The Common Review, ELH, Radical History Review, Twentieth-Century Literature, Studies in American Fiction, the Yale Journal of Criticism, and several edited volumes.
Romances, maudlin dramas, shallow homilies, which trifle with so-called (though falsely so) noble sentiments, but in fact make the heart enervated, insensitive to the stern precepts of duty, ...
On May 28, 2018 / By Sean McCannReceive free updates and special content -- delivered directly to your inbox.
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