See, we made it back. We’re getting the hang of this magazine thing, due in no small part to the rigorous standards of Matthew Friedman, our managing editor, ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminA photo essay by James Clifford It is enough that it have weight. –Francis Ponge This picture was taken by Don Rothman, a friend who shared my interest ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy ETIENNE BALIBAR [Note: This handout accompanied a presentation by Etienne Balibar in the Columbia University Seminar on Literary Theory, December 3, 2015. The respondent was Souleymane Bashir Diagne ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy BRUCE ROBBINS When I lived in Switzerland in the late 70s and played (badly) for a local basketball team, one or two of my teammates tried out some ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy LISA FLUET Tom McCarthy’s film Spotlight (2015) recounts the Boston Globe’s early-2000s investigative reportage on the Boston archdiocesan hierarchy’s long history of routinized cover-ups of clerical sexual abuse of minors. The film ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy LAUREN M. E. GOODLAD Toward the end of the first season of Borgen (2010-13), Bent Sejrø, the aging mentor to Birgitte Nyborg, who is Denmark’s prime minister, advises her ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy OLIVIA RUTIGLIANO On a hot day in the summer of 2013, I sat in my Los Angeles hotel room, waiting for a phone call from my contact, a ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy JAMES LIVINGSTON 1) Socialism is not the exclusive property of “the” working class, whatever the fuck that means these days, or meant a hundred years ago. In ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy JOHN McCLURE In June of 2013, David Unger wrote a prescient editorial piece in the New York Times about the collapse of European social democracy. In the ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminBy VAN GOSSE and BILL FLETCHER, Jr., with PHYLLIS BENNIS For well over a century, a shared commitment to internationalism has defined what it means to be Left. Even when ...
On April 14, 2016 / By wpadminReceive free updates and special content -- delivered directly to your inbox.
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