Carolyn Lesjak (Simon Fraser University) specializes in nineteenth-century British literature and culture, and also teaches courses in the theory of the novel and Marxist and feminist theory. She is the author of Working Fictions: A Genealogy of the Victorian Novel (Duke 2006) as well as numerous articles and contributions to literary encyclopedias and studies of the Victorian novel, such as the Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel, The Cambridge History of the English Novel and The Blackwell Companion to George Eliot. Her work has appeared in ELH, Novel, Studies in the Literary Imagination, Utopian Studies, and a number of collected volumes of essays, including On Jameson: From Postmodernism to Globalization and a forthcoming collection on twenty-first century Marxist literary criticism.
In his essay, “Utopia as Replication,” Fredric Jameson puts forward what he himself terms a scandalous proposal: that Wal-Mart is “the new institutional candidate for the function of ...
On March 2, 2018 / By Carolyn LesjakReceive free updates and special content -- delivered directly to your inbox.
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